We’ll need this installation setup file later when the manual process will ask for driver “.inf” file – then we’ll extract the driver file from this installation package. Save the installation setup file in your hard drive.You may request for the basic driver here. Note: You may also find the basic driver from our website search here. Firstly, download the installation package or its basic driver from its own official website and save it to your download folder or anywhere you want to save it.
How to install brother printer driver on windows 10 how to#
Here in this guide, we’ll show you the step-by-step guide on how to install a printer driver manually using its basic driver (.INF drivers). If you don’t have its basic driver, then you can make a driver request here. So please replace it with your printer model number. In the video tutorial, we are installing p2055 model number printer as an example. Watch this video tutorial to know how to install a printer’s basic driver manually. Then there is another option to install the printer driver manually and it has the option to replace the drivers to clean the driver conflicting. We need the manual printer installation if the existing printer drivers got infected with driver conflicting. In the manual installation, you have to install the scanner driver separately if your printer has a scanner inbuilt. In the manual installation only the driver does install - but in the driver/software installation package installs all the components of the software and the drivers. Manual installation is the basic and lightest way to install the printer driver and use printer too. Sometimes we need manual printer installation because the company’s installation package has failed to install or give any error message while installing. Here in this article, we’ll guide you on the step-by-step guide on how to install the printer driver manually.